
Showing posts from November, 2017

Top 30 Interesting Facts About Bitcoin Blockchain

Bitcoin emerging from a shady past and setting new hights, it’s worth getting  know about the king of cryptocurrencies. Here are thirty facts you may not know about bitcoin. BITCOIN THROUGH THE YEARS: 1.       Bitcoin was created by Satoshi Nakamoto, who published the invention on 31 October 2008 to a cryptography mailing list in a research paper called "Bitcoin. 2.       The time taken for a single Bitcoin to go from $0 to $1000 is 5 years. 3.       20,000+ are the number of computers working at mining new bitcoins. 4.       Most people think that bitcoins are unlimited. Actually the number of bitcoins in circulation will never exceed 21 million. 5.       The number of bitcoins thought to have been mined by Satoshi Nakamoto in the currency’s early days is one million. 6.       Physical Bitcoins began to be marketed in 2011 by a company in the United States. 7.       The 64% of Bitcoins are lying in the accounts that haven’t been used since the currency beg

6 Powerful Tips to Empower Your Bitcoin Mining and Trading

You have finally got your first Bitcoin, you had eyes on for months. But then all of a sudden an obvious question strikes your thought process – Is Bitcoin mining and trading beneficial? And a simple answer to this question is another question – After performing mining if miners no longer get any rewards in shape of Bitcoins, then why would they go on with this process? This simply means that Bitcoin mining and trading is indeed a beneficial process. Pretty right! Giving new possibilities and financial freedom to people across the globe, Bitcoin mining has turned into a major business. However, to garner benefits from Bitcoin mining and trading you might have to do some digital digging. To make your digital digging process easy, secure and fast you can check the amazing platform of Make MyCrypto having exclusive mining and trading activities solution. But that's not all, here I am also sharing six handy tips for those who have just started to learn the ropes o