Top 30 Interesting Facts About Bitcoin Blockchain

Bitcoin emerging from a shady past and setting new hights, it’s worth getting  know about the king of cryptocurrencies. Here are thirty facts you may not know about bitcoin.

1.      Bitcoin was created by Satoshi Nakamoto, who published the invention on 31 October 2008 to a cryptography mailing list in a research paper called "Bitcoin.
2.      The time taken for a single Bitcoin to go from $0 to $1000 is 5 years.
3.      20,000+ are the number of computers working at mining new bitcoins.
4.      Most people think that bitcoins are unlimited. Actually the number of bitcoins in circulation will never exceed 21 million.
5.      The number of bitcoins thought to have been mined by Satoshi Nakamoto in the currency’s early days is one million.
6.      Physical Bitcoins began to be marketed in 2011 by a company in the United States.
7.      The 64% of Bitcoins are lying in the accounts that haven’t been used since the currency began.
8.      “Alderney” is the first jurisdiction to announce plans to mint physical Bitcoins.
9.      Unlike regular money, each Bitcoin has a detailed history which makes it hard to replicate.
10.  Few months after the launch of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency in 2009, it was traded at a rate of: $1 for 1,309BTC which is equivalent to less than $0,00076 per Bitcoin.

1.      Jet Li, the actor whose charity received a donation in Bitcoin, bringing the currency to the attention of China.
2.      $7.5 Bitcoins stored on James Howells hard drive when he accidentally threw it away, sending it to a Welsh landfill in 2013.
3.      Wikileaks, the whistleblowing website turned to bitcoin for donations after the lending transfer companies refused to deal with it.
4.      Kristoffer Koch invested $26.60 in 5,000 bitcoins in 2009 and forgot about this investment. Later, he discovered their value in 2013 and it was shot up to $980,000.

1.      Vancouver, this first canadian city boasted the world’s first bitcoin cash machine.
2.      Thailand became the first country to outlaw Bitcoin in July 2013.
3.      A single Bitcoin became more valuable than an ounce of gold in November 2013.
4.      Argentina, this country saw a surge in Bitcoin when its own currency saw massive inflation.
5.      With Blythe Masters, CEO of Digital Asset Holdings, LLC on their magazine cover, Bloomberg says it best.

1.      The first car company to accept Bitcoins in exchange for cars is Lamborgini.
2.      Kreuzberg, a part of Berlin that has established itself as a Bitcoin friendly shopping area.
3.      Pizza can be bought in Netherland using Bitcoins.
4.      2012 is the year Manchester’s first Bitcoin Friendly Retailer, an average corner shop began using the Bitcoin.
5.      Limousines can be hired in certain areas of the US using Bitcoins.
6.      Mel B became the first musical artist accepting bitcoin as payment for her music.
7.      In 2010, when bitcoin was less than a year old, programmer Laszlo Hanyecz paid a fellow Bitcoin Talk user 10,000 BTC to order him two Papa John’s. The value of those pizzas today? Over 17 million dollars!
8.      Sandwiches can be bought with Bitcoin at a single branch of Subway in the United States.
9.      Okcupid, a dating site also accepts bitcoins.
10.  Microsoft,Dell and Expedia are examples of companies that accept Bitcoins as payment.
11.  200,000 is the lowest amount of Bitcoins that are used in transactions each day.
12.  The largest transaction ever made on the network was for 194,993 bitcoins. That was more than $147 million according to the effective rate in November 2013. The transaction was tagged “Sh*t Load of Money!”

The world of Bitcoins is fascinating and truly amazing. Hopefully you learnt 30 interested facts mention in the above list. 


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